Applications are open for Africa ClimAccelerator Program (€12,000)

africa climaccelerator - cleanbuild

Applications are open for Africa ClimAccelerator Program (€12,000)

African tech startups that have the most promising climate impact ideas are invited to apply for Africa ClimAccelerator Program.

The Africa ClimAccelerator is a 6-month long program that focuses on supporting 15 innovative, climate-focused early-stage ventures in Africa. Qualified startups must put the objective of enhancing sustainability at the forefront of their own mission and growth.

Startup founders, across a variety of sectors, whose innovation matches well with Africa ClimAccelerator vision will need to address at least one of Climate-KIC’s Impact Goals:

  • Promote retrofit and decentralized energy
  • Nurture nature-based resilience for cities
  • Accelerate sustainable urban mobility
  • Make agriculture climate-smart
  • Reform food systems
  • Nurture forests in integrated landscapes
  • Build circular material flows
  • Reduce industry emissions
  • Reboot regional economies
  • Mainstream climate in financial markets

Winners will

  • Receive up to €12,000 in grant funding, and access to follow-on funding opportunities
  • Attend customized workshops and training to accelerate your startup by experts from across Climate-KIC, GrowthAfrica, and the Carbon Trust
  • Enjoy one-on-one mentorship with experienced business and technical mentors active across the climate innovation ecosystem
  • Participate in peer-to-peer learning with high-growth climate startups from across Africa
  • Receive financial readiness support and connect with the climate investors most active across the continent
  • Have access to a growing community of leading actors and partners in the fast-growing climate tech ecosystem in Africa and internationally
Eligibility criteria

To qualify, your startup must:

  • Develop a transformative climate solution that brings social and environmental value in the themes of land use, circular economy, blue economy, energy efficiency, or other climate themes.
  • Be registered or plan to register (by end of the program) in any African country
  • Have proof of concept exists, (ideally) with a proven need for the solution, main pain points mapped, feedback/ validations already received from potential customers, a tested prototype/minimum viable product created, and a roadmap designed.
  • Have at least one member of the team being full-time on the business/project
  • Willingly participate in the program activities which will be fully delivered in English

Applications for the Africa ClimAccelerator program close on Sunday, November 7, 2021. Click here to apply.

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