#FactFriday: Your online activities contribute to carbon emissions

carbon - climateaction

#FactFriday: Your online activities contribute to carbon emissions

Hello readers. Welcome to #FactFriday on CleanbuildVoices!

You might not know this but the activities you perform contribute to carbon emissions. How? you might ask. Well, these emissions come from the gadgets and energy you use to run your devices and power the wireless networks that you use.

What about the data centres, as well as servers that are used to support the internet and store content such as emails, chat messages, internet searches, streaming, uploads, etc.? That’s a whole lot of energy and emissions right there.

In fact, your devices, the internet and the systems that support them account for approx. 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions and these emissions are predicted to double by 2025, according to some estimates.

To put this in perspective, when a single internet user carries out searches or sends messages online, that a tiny bit of energy and emission compared to the global population conducting the same activities. Combined, that would be a whole lot of greenhouse gases emitted with each online activity.

Rough estimates would therefore mean that each of us is responsible for about 414kg (912lbs) of carbon dioxide each year.

Now that you know that your online activity is harming the planet, you can take action by making changes in your personal online behavior and cutting the carbon footprint of your devices.

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