Apply! MFMC Grants Program to Support Low Carbon Economy

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Apply! MFMC Grants Program to Support Low Carbon Economy

UNIFOR, a European non-profit organization, is inviting applications for the Minor Foundation for Major Challenges (MFMC) Small and Large Grant that is designed to support communication projects which advance the transition to a low carbon economy.

Recognizing that emissions must decrease significantly over the next two decades, the foundation, starting in 2019, decided to disburse its capital over the next 10-15 years.

As such, the MFMC is seeking projects in the range of €20,000 to €1,000,000 and has designed a two-stage application process where applicants first submit a short pitch and, if selected, may be invited to submit a full application.

Every year, the MFMC traditionally announces six calls for applications in two different categories: large and small grants. The grant program finances projects that promote urgent, large-scale transformation, with a focus on changing policies and practices in public or private institutions. The calls for applications are open to international applicants as long as solutions can address climate change mitigation.


For the 2019-2023 period, the foundation aims to:

  • Encourage and support innovation in climate communication
  • Increase the number of voices and narratives in climate advocacy
  • Help strengthen social and political movements that open up for radical change
  • Concentrate on supporting European proposals
Grant size

Small grants: The foundation will offer up to EUR 10,000, provided that the application falls within the strategic aims of MFMC.

Large grants: The foundation is looking for projects above EUR 10,000 – typically in the range of €20,000 to €200,000, although larger projects may be considered. The foundation will only consider applications that clearly fall under its strategy.

How to apply

To access the UNIFOR portal, international applicants without a Norwegian ID have to request a user profile by contacting the secretary of the MFMC board.

If your project is found to clearly fall within the MFMC strategy, a user profile will be set up for you. When contacting the secretary of the MFMC board, you must provide the following information: –

  • Name of organization: Full name (as is written in passport) of organization’s contact person
  • Organization’s full postal address: Contact person’s phone number and contact person’s e-mail address
  • A short description of the planned application, for example, the pitch or short description to be submitted in the application form, that clearly explains how the project falls within the strategic aims of MFMC (copy directly into an e-mail, not as an attachment)
  • Documentation that you represent an organization, in the form of an officially certified proof of registration (f. ex. tax registration) of your organization must be included as an attachment to your inquiry.

The secretary to the MFMC board, Mr. Tore Brænd, may be contacted at [email protected]. You should note that processing a request for a user profile may take several days, and that contact therefore should be made well in advance of the deadline for the relevant call.


Entries close Friday, October 8, 2021.

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