Evidence of global warming: 7 things you can’t ignore

evidence of global warming

Evidence of global warming: 7 things you can’t ignore

Global warming is a case we shouldn’t ignore, the current trend is of particular significance because human activities are a major factor.

Human activities have warmed the earth starting with the atmosphere, ocean and land and this change has spread widely.

Scientists have been able to use advanced technologies to collect different information about the planet and its global climate.

These collected data over the years have revealed the signals of a changing climate. Increased levels of greenhouse gasses ( GHG) have caused the earth to warm. The evidence is everywhere and very glaring.


The planet’s temperature has risen to about 2.12 degree Fahrenheit since the late 19th century, this is a disturbing change driven mostly by carbon emissions into the air and other human activities. The report has it that the years 2016 and 2020 are tied for the warmest year on record. This should not be ignored


Drought has become a recurring incident, this happens when there is not enough rainfall in a long period of time, leading to the drying out. This can lead to poor agricultural produce, people whose livelihood depends on farming can lose money and the region can become very poor. Also when there is no water, food is limited and starvation is imperative.

Heat weaves

Heat Waves is another evidence of global warming, it is dangerous to health as it can affect the cardiovascular system, especially for old people and people with existing health conditions.
The worry is that heat waves are still growing in the African continent as it gets hotter. Report says that if global warming is kept at below 1.5 degree Celsius, strong increases in extreme heat are foreseen in Eastern and Southern Africa, yet these extreme heat waves are not monitored in the sub-Saharan African region.

A rise in sea level

Sea level increases as a result of global warming, it causes floods and erosion especially in rural regions. Most West African countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal are already recording huge cases of flooding as a result of rising sea levels. This has forced many people to migrate as some of these places are no longer inhabitable.

Extreme weather events

There are extreme weather cases in Africa, in August 2021, it was reported that there will be a 3-day rainfall in Nigeria causing a huge amount of flood, also these weather events range from a heavy downpour, unexpected storm, heat waves etc. these events can cause a slow of development in agricultural and economic sectors.

Ocean acidification

The amount of carbon dioxide released by industries, especially the drilling industries can reduce the water ph. Ocean acidification affects the water inhabitants, they die or migrate to survive This leads to a reduction in fish, thereby cutting short the amount of protein available.

Glaciers retreat

Glaciers retreating is affecting the whole world, including Africa. Global warming, especially caused by human activities like the burning of fossil fuels has led to the melting of glaciers.

When this happens, more water flows into the sea and warms ocean water, thereby expanding the volume leading to flood and erosion.

All these are evidence of global warming, and they keep happening as humans continue to burn fossil fuels and other activities that contribute to global warming.

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