Applications are open for the 2022 King Hassan World Water Prize (US$500,000)

world water prize

Applications are open for the 2022 King Hassan World Water Prize (US$500,000)

Water is an essential part of human life. Just like air, humans need water to survive. However, water scarcity affects many societies. In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, more than 300 of the 800 million people in the continent live in water-scarce regions.

While many people in these areas travel great distances to obtain clean water to suit their needs, areas that do have water are plagued by pollution.

In response to this worsening crisis, the Kingdom of Morocco and the World Water Council have launched a call for entries for the 7th edition of the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, one of the world’s most prestigious awards in the field of water.

Named in honor of His Majesty, the late King Hassan II, the water prize aims to achieve water security across the globe, allowing for sustainable and equitable population growth while preserving nature, maintaining population health, and encouraging agricultural policies that support food security.

Water security in territories for sustainable development and food security has been chosen as the theme for this year.


To qualify for this entry, applicants- individuals, groups, institutions, or organizations- must

  • Be recognized by the jury members as having a major through project, initiative, innovative experience, or research work or projects to develop new approaches or techniques to ensure water security and climate justice.
  • Have impactful contributions that may be scientific, economic, technical, environmental, social, institutional, cultural, or political in nature.
  • Be nominated by two persons and/or organizations active in the water resource sector

The US$500,000 prize will be presented during the 9th World Water Forum in Diamniadio, Senegal.

Deadline for submission

All applications must be submitted by Friday, December 31, 2021. To apply for the Great World Water Prize click here

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