Poor waste management has emerged as one of the most pressing issues in emerging countries. The production of trash in cities has increased significantly, with negative consequences, since the danger posed by this problem cannot be overstated.
By 2050, worldwide waste is anticipated to reach 3.40 billion tonnes, more than double population growth during the same period, with Africa producing the least at 6%. However, overall trash creation is anticipated to treble by 2050 in Africa.
More than half of this waste is routinely dumped in the open, and waste growth trends will have huge ramifications for the environment, health, and prosperity, necessitating immediate action.
Industrial waste is a major issue that we face on a daily basis, and the manufacturing industry is a major culprit. The reality is that companies operating within this sector do little to nothing to help with the waste generated during production and, in many cases, practice poor waste management.
While governments’ censorship of these industries is a long way off, you and I are not immune to this heinous waste management conduct; in fact, it is our collective problem.
Recently, a flood occurred in Lagos Nigeria rendering the residents of the area helpless; when situations like this occur, there is usually a blame game. Have you ever considered that our trash disposal practices may be causing an issue, particularly for individuals who live in communities with canals?
What actually is the problem?
Poor waste management practices, particularly extensive trash dumping in water bodies and unregulated disposal sites, exacerbate the problem of generally low sanitation rates within Africa. In Africa, urbanization is on the increase, and this trend is projected to continue.
Infrastructure and land use planning, particularly waste management, are not keeping up with the increase of metropolitan areas, which is a source of concern. This is especially important in slum regions, which make up a large component of many African cities and towns.
As a result of Africa’s industrialization, urbanization, and modernization of agriculture, waste creation is predicted to skyrocket. This will worsen the already-existing waste handling capacity problems.
The situation is deteriorating as we continue to deteriorate it. A single individual is all it takes to turn the intersection into a waste site. What do you imagine happens to improper waste disposal? It ends up in the drainage, as you may have imagined.
Recycling pickers disperse it first, then rain and winds carry it to the drainage system. Those that stay awake solely to dump trash in canals and waterways are the worst. The commuters who eat everything and dumps them in the drainage, this poor waste management is definitely a problem to be considered.
How it affects us?
We’ve come a long way in terms of effectively dealing with garbage, yet several major issues continue to converge and harm the earth as a whole. The negative consequences of poor waste management not only result in an unpleasant appearance but also have an impact on a country’s economy.
Because it can contain a lot of dissolved chemicals, water is an excellent solvent. As a result, as water travels through the system, it gathers up contaminants. It often contains dissolved substances such as chemicals and gases, and inadequate waste management can have an adverse effect on groundwater, making it unsafe to drink.
Rainfall water is not even safe anymore as it mixes easily with poisonous liquid substances and seeps into water streams, eventually ending up in neighboring bodies of water. As a result, contamination risks exist at the neighborhood fountain, pond, lake, and even drinking water faucets.
Decomposing waste produces dangerous greenhouse gases. These rise to the surface of the earth and trap heat. Extreme weather reactions, such as thunderstorms, are indirectly caused by poor waste management. The stream flood that endangers human life is a part of it.
The next time you want to discard trash near the drainage, be aware that you are contributing significantly to the flood that is damaging your environment and climate change.
Because of technological advancements, there are now better options to dispose of rubbish, the best of which being recycling and using the city dumpsite. Therefore, it is right to say that inadequate waste management among us is a problem that requires attention.