The rate at which power outages occur across most developing countries has increased the use of fossil fuel power generators and the more there is an increase in the number of emissions the more health it affects.
The amount of fossil fuel generators used in residentials is according to how many flats per house are both in rural and urban areas. The reliability of these generators is a result of poor power supply.
The severity of the effect this has on human health has been neglected for far too long. It is not a case of ignorance or the case of no option, it is the case of not putting into consideration the long-term health effect of the emission from fossil fuel generators.
Health effect of fossil fuels
The burning of fossil fuels incurs more than 40 harmful air contaminants, including numerous known or suspected cancer-causing chemicals such as benzene, arsenic, and formaldehyde, health should be a top priority while burning them. It also contains additional pollutants that are hazardous to human health, such as nitrogen oxide, which is linked to a 70 percent increased risk of cancer when inhaled. That is something that needs to be addressed right away.
The amount of pollution in the air caused by this can lead to lungs illness. In Nigeria alone, the increased incidence of lung cancer among urban residents who do not smoke and are under 60 years old, the majority of whom use fossil fuel generators on a daily basis, provides indirect proof of the effect of fossil fuel inhalation on lung cancer.
It was reported that Nigeria has the highest case of asthma in Africa after South Africa. Among other health effects are heart attacks, respiratory disorders, stroke, exacerbation of asthma, and ultimately early death. The effect is severe because these generators are generally located in areas of residents and businesses.
The most affected are the vulnerable ones such as old people, children, pregnant women, people in the rural areas not connected to the electrical grid and rely greatly on the use of fossil fuel generators, and those living with lung ailments like asthma, chronic bronchitis, and the unfortunate thing is that most of these effects are long term and might not be dictated on time.
What is the solution?
The advent of technology has given us the ultimate solution to burning fossil fuels as a means of generating power, especially for homes and business places.
The use of solar panels should be encouraged for residents and businesses, this is very feasible as solar panels give more energy than fossil fuel generators and are more reliable this is only possible if the government can either reduce and take away the tax from imported solar products to reduce the cost.
They could encourage citizens to use renewable products by putting incentives for people and businesses using renewable sources.
Also, they are renewable and sustainable with no emissions that could endanger human health.
Most hospitals and clinics in developing countries make use of these fossil fuel generators to ensure proper services but this is doing more harm than good as it also contributes to human health negatively.
The government of these developing countries should make policies around the use of these generators such as placing a ban on the importation and encourage homeowners to install solar panels which are a one-time cost and easy to use.
Finally, a conscious effort and steps should be taken as regards stable electricity to help save human lives as it is mostly in jeopardy daily as a result of air pollution from burning fossil fuels.