Call for proposals: PISCCA Fund for Nigerian Civil Society 2022 (up to €70,000)

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Call for proposals: PISCCA Fund for Nigerian Civil Society 2022 (up to €70,000)

The Embassy of France in Nigeria is calling for proposals in a bid to support projects from local Civil Society Organizations through the development fund called “Innovative Projects from Civil Societies and Coalitions of Actors” (PISCCA).

The PISCCA fund aims at funding small-scale, medium-scale, and innovative projects as well as local initiatives carried out by civil society organizations.

Since 2019, 17 projects addressing wildlife conservation, the promotion of women’s rights, disabled people’s rights, sport as well as peacebuilding processes across several states in Nigeria have been supported.


To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be a member of a Nigerian Civil Society Organization (associations, NGOs, cooperatives), especially organizations supported by women or young people, or any non-profit-making legal person governed by private law, officially registered for at least 24 months by the Nigerian authorities;
  • Have already carried out concrete activities in the sector for which this grant is requested;

Please, note that the program strongly encourages synergies, partnerships, and coalitions of actors.

Priority areas

Two major specific objectives:

Gender: combatting gender-based violence and promoting the socio-economic integration of women.
Environment: environmental protection and the fight against climate change.

The following activities will be key priorities during the selection process:

  • Activities that are aimed at reducing gender inequalities, promoting combat against gender-based violence and gender stereotypes;
  • Activities that are aimed at mitigating the negative impacts of climate change and environmental degradation;

The following activities would represent a strong asset during the selection process:

  • Activities presenting a capacity-building component, supporting training and education needs and methods of civil society actors.
  • Activities led in partnership between several local civil society organizations

Financing conditions

The contribution by PISCCA should be between €40,000 and €70,000 (between 45 100 USD and 78 900 USD) while the expected contribution of the applicant should be at least 10% of the total cost of the project.

Other partners/donors can co-fund the projects. They must be secured before the project is signed.

The timeframe for the project should be a maximum of 6 months (from April to September 2022).

How to submit a proposal

The call for proposals is open from February 4th, 2022, to February, 21st, 2022 (before midnight).

To apply, please download and fill out the Application Form here. It must be sent back in word format to Camille OREN – PISCCA Programme Officer through [email protected] and duly completed before the deadline along with the required documents (see the list in the guidelines here).

Before filling in the Application Form (concept note), download and carefully read the project proposal guidelines, as they explain the requirements for a project to be considered (proposals that do not strictly respect the different requirements and financing conditions will not be considered).

For any inquiries or questions that you may have, please contact PISCCA Programme Officer: Mrs. Camille OREN: [email protected]

Deadline for applications: 21st February 2022.

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