The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) is calling for proposals to support civil society organizations advocating for an enabling civic space for climate action, including by furthering the national-level implementation of multilateral commitments to ensure respect for the rights to peaceful assembly, association, and public participation in the context of climate change decision-making and governance.
Application Instructions
To apply for this grant, applicants must submit the following in English or Spanish:
- Application coversheet (see below)
- Proposal (not more than 5 pages – see content requirement below)
- Resume, Curriculum Vitae (CV), or other statements of relevant work history and education (no more than 3 pages each for up to 3 key personnel)
- Line item budget (not more than 1 page)
- Background information about the applicant organization (e.g. website links or informational materials)
Content of Proposal
In five pages or less, please describe your proposal. The following elements must be addressed in the proposal:
- The project concept, including the specific need for this type of project in your context/location, proposed activity plan with specific goals, intended outcomes, potential partners (government or non-government), or stakeholders that will be engaged in the activities outlined in the application, a timeline for completing the proposed activities;
- Expected impact of project activities and how impact will be measured or otherwise determined;
- The applicant’s specific experience and expertise related to the activities covered in the proposal; and
- The applicant’s COVID-19 contingency plan, including policies with regards to travel and physical meetings, if applicable, and plans to address disruptions due to government measures (i.e., lockdowns) or staff illness.
Eligibility Requirements
This call is open to civil society organizations working at the regional, national or sub-national level located in countries currently listed on the DAC List of ODA recipient countries.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the following factors:
- Compliance with eligibility requirements and application procedures;
- Demonstrated commitment of the applicant to improving civic space in your country and locality.
- Quality of proposed project, including the project’s innovations, the proposed methodology/design, and feasibility of the project.
- Diversity of selected proposals with weight given especially to linguistic, geographic, and intersectional diversity;
- The proposed budget and apparent value for cost; and
- Inclusion of reasonable indicators to measure project success.
Terms of Reference
All sub-grant recipients must submit a final report on the use of funds, activities conducted, and outcomes of their projects prior to receiving their final grant disbursements. ICNL expects proposals to be contracted and start implementation between March and April 2022. Work must be completed by November 30, 2022.
After completion of projects, ICNL may liaise with grantees to assess the effectiveness of the initiative and identify lessons learned and potential recommendations for future implementation.
Grants up to $25,000 are available for projects meeting the criteria below.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can apply by completing the application coversheet and submitting it along with their proposal and other application documents to ICNL through the email [email protected] .
Please ensure that the subject of your email is “Civic Space for Climate Action: Sub-grant Application 2022.”
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until all grant funds are awarded. Applicants should submit their applications no later than February 15, 2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
All sub-grant recipients must complete their projects no later than November 30, 2022.