Apply! Grants for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies

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Apply! Grants for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies

The German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR) is seeking proposals from individual researchers, groups of individuals, or institutions working in teams for a research project on human rights impacts of climate mitigation and adaptation policies/measures.

This research project represents the initial stages of DIMR’s engagement with human rights impacts/risks in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

It focuses on states’ responsibility to adopt a human rights-based approach when taking climate action, as demanded under international human rights law and as reiterated in the Paris Climate Agreement. DIMR’s interest here is specifically in:

  • Identifying human rights impacts of climate mitigation/adaptation measures/policies in different sectors, such as energy, mobility/transport, land/agriculture, construction/housing, and water, thereby focusing on human rights impacts going beyond but not excluding participation rights (including FPIC) in the design and implementation of climate policies and measures by affected individuals/groups;
  • Identifying underlying factors that (potentially) facilitate negative human rights impacts in these sectors;
  • Highlighting examples of approaches taken by individuals/groups negatively affected by climate mitigation/adaptation measures to address negative human rights impacts and to seek remedy;
  • Providing an overview of promising approaches and practices to identify, avoid, mitigate and/or remedy negative human rights impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Evaluation criteria

Applicants will be selected on the basis of the submitted proposals. Proposals may be submitted by individuals, institutions, or consortia of institutions and individuals, and the proposals must demonstrate:

  • Established expertise in the field of human rights as they relate to climate change;
  • Academic research and publishing experience.

Furthermore, the proposals should include:

  • CVs and lists of publications for the researcher (s) who will carry out the project;
  • An exposé of 2-3 pages covering the proposed weighting of the aspects to be covered by the research project; the proposed methodology, a tentative outline, and a timeline for the conduct of the research;
  • A financial proposal showing the basis for the calculation as a daily fee multiplied by the anticipated number of days and showing both net price and gross price taking account of any taxes (such as VAT).
How to apply

Proposals should be submitted via email to Jana Kind, kind(at) For further information, click here.


Entries close by Sunday, September 12, 2021.

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