#FactFriday: 4 most popular facts about climate change

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#FactFriday: 4 most popular facts about climate change

Hello readers.

Welcome to #FactFriday on CleanbuildVoices!

As the world continues to have climate conversations, seek ways to rid the ecosystem of the accumulated emissions, and transition from fossil fuels to renewables, we see the need for people to be well informed about certain facts.

When people understand the current state of the planet, they are able to take meaningful and impactful actions to stave off the worst of climate change.

Below are four (4) of the most popular facts about climate change that we think you should know. As you read on, you may see ways to do your part and make a difference.

Human activities are a major cause of climate change

Human activities like burning fossil fuels, intense farming activities and deforestation of vast areas to make way for other land uses, are increasingly influencing the earth’s temperature and climate.

Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas as well as cutting trees results in large emissions. As a result, the greenhouse gas emissions cover the atmosphere and trap the sun’s heat, leading to global warming and climate change.

Wildlife species are going extinct

Climate change is not only affecting humans, animals are also feeling the impact. More wildlife species are becoming extinct due to the effects of climate change on the ecosystems and their habitats.

Their habitats are becoming inhabitable and their sources of food and water are either getting polluted or being damaged. Some of them even have to alter their feeding and breeding patterns to survive.

In addition, these wildlife species are usually restricted to a particular location and may not be able to migrate to locations with favorable climate. What this means is that they’d die eventually if they can’t cope.

CO2 emissions are off the charts

The atmosphere is currently filled with a high level of carbon dioxide despite the dip in emissions during the beginning part of the pandemic.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the global average of atmospheric CO2 reached its fifth-largest increase since they began measuring atmospheric CO2 levels 63 years. It hit 412.5 parts per million (ppm) in 2020 with a 2.6 ppm rise from 2019.

Heatwaves and rising temperature

Heatwaves are not new but compared to the past, climate change is making them extreme, frequent, and longer.
To add to that, the average temperature in the past years has increased by 1°C, leading to extreme weather incidents, one of which is the melting glaciers in the Arctic which in turn is leading to higher water levels.

The rising water levels are also having an impact in many countries especially low-lying areas that are susceptible to flooding.

The way forward

According to projections, we have less than a decade to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. As major contributors to the declining climate conditions, we also have the power to correct the trend we started.

Ways we can do this include a commitment to responsible consumption, adopting smarter and more efficient methods of energy production, creating equitable financing systems, and generally reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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