Entries are now open for the 2023 Volvo Environment Prize

2023 volvo environment prize - climateaction

Entries are now open for the 2023 Volvo Environment Prize

The Volvo Environment Prize Foundation is calling for nominations for the 2023 Volvo Environment Prize.

The 2023 Volvo Environment Prize is open to universities, research institutes, scientists, and engineers as well as other individuals and organizations that are interested in submitting nominations.

It is a prize that is presented by an independent foundation with the aim of rewarding outstanding scientific discoveries or innovations that broadly fall within the environmental field.


To be eligible, candidates must bear the following in mind:

  • The competition is open to universities, research institutes, scientists, and engineers.
  • Must have established scientific discoveries and innovations that are concerned with the environment and sustainability.

Nomination guidelines

The span of disciplines and activities for which nominations can be made is wide and includes all disciplines which have relevance to the environment.

The research of nominees should be based on scientific grounds but must clearly show impacts outside of the specific discipline.

Nominations must include the following:

  • A short letter of motivation.
  • A detailed description of the research the nominee has conducted and how it adds to our knowledge of environmental science. Emphasis must also be placed on ain achievements and their importance as well as the impacts of the research outside of the particular discipline e.g. impacts on sustainability and/or contribution to changed behavior and impacts on policy development.
  • CV of the nominee plus a list of published paper(s) and links if available.
  • Letter(s) of reference (maximum of 3 letters written by someone other than the nominator).

Evaluation process

A Scientific Committee will review the nominations and present a report to the international Prize Jury. The Jury will then recommend one or several winners to the Board of the Volvo Environment Prize Foundation, which will then make the formal decision.

The decision will be made public in October and the 2023 Volvo Environment Prize will be awarded in November at a ceremony that will be held in Stockholm, Sweden.

How to nominate

Nominations for the 2023 Volvo Environment Prize should be submitted in English using the official form here. Some fields are required and marked (*). Others are not compulsory.

The nomination procedure is in three easy steps. Please make sure that the documents you upload meet the requirements in the Nomination Guidelines.

When submitting nominations for a group of named individuals please send one nomination for each person (maximum of 3 persons) and specify in the description of achievements that the nomination is for a shared prize.

If the foundation has any questions, the Prize Coordinator will first contact the person doing the nomination, so it is advised that you provide your contact details.

A nomination remains valid for three years. Please note that self-nominations are not accepted.

If you have any problems with the nomination form, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

The deadline is January 10, 2023.

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