As more people lean towards renewable energy as proof of an eco-friendly lifestyle, many have shown a preference for solar-powered devices.
What’s more, these devices have not only improved the quality of life, but they have proven to be a great way for people to reduce electricity consumption which is oftentimes more expensive.
Below are six (6) solar-powered devices we think you must have to make your life easier and wholesome.
Portable Solar Generator
Generators are not left out of the solar revolution. Solar-powered generators are a must-have because they are eco-friendly compared to regular generator sets that pollute the environment.
They harness solar power around your home to power your laptop, fan, lamp, phone, and other small appliances. The great part is that they come with different ports that can be adapted to different equipment.
Solar Outdoor Security Camera
Security is very crucial. That is why we recommend solar outdoor security cameras because they detect motion at any time, be it day or night. At night, their built-in LED lights help illuminate your home so you can see what’s happening outside.
You receive notifications on your smartphone through an app, and the video that is recorded is stored on a memory card and saved in the cloud.
Solar Flashlight
If you’ve ever needed to look for something in the dark, you’d know how frustrating it could be. That’s why flashlights are another essential tool for you.
With solar flashlights, you don’t need to worry about flat batteries because they get power from the sun through a built-in solar panel. When fully charged, they can last for up to 2 days depending on the brand.
Solar Power Bank
Our smartphones are literally our twin. We take them almost anywhere and we use them for virtually anything – calls, research, staying updated, transactions, etc. What then happens when you cannot perform all of those activities because your phone’s battery is flat?
This is why we recommend solar power banks. They allow you to charge your phones when they run down and you don’t have to worry about accessing electricity to charge the power bank because you can charge it with the sun.
It’s a win-win situation. Also, they can charge your laptops and the good part is that they’re portable so you can fit them anywhere.
Solar Bluetooth Speaker
It’s time to get your groove on with solar bluetooth speakers. Solar bluetooth speakers are eco-friendly because they receive direct energy from the sun and you don’t have to worry about charging. So, even when there’s a power outage, the show isn’t interrupted.
Solar Fan
Sunny days are good and all but they can be quite uncomfortable especially when you get all sweaty. Solar fans come in handy on such days when it’s extremely hot and there isn’t enough ventilation in your home.
Because they are portable, they can be placed anywhere in your home and they come with solar panels that can generate energy from the sun.
On a final note, you don’t need to worry about electricity anymore. All you really need are these solar-powered devices and let the sun do the rest.