Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Month: June 2022

net-zero - climateaction
Saving the Planet Carbon

Climate change, net-zero and everything in between

So, you've heard people talk about climate change and its effects on communities. You've seen on television how governments all over the world are formulating and executing net-zero plans, you've also stumbled on a number of conversations where companies mention their commitment to achieving net-zero. Yet, all these seem alien

climate - climateaction
Saving the Planet

Climate adaptation costs dampen Africa’s shot at survival

Climate change is here with us, influencing our way of life, adding a new level of risk to our lives, and threatening our very existence.   However, the level of risk that climate change poses to lives varies from country to country as most developing and underdeveloped countries (comprising of

Africa - climateaction
Saving the Planet

Africa: Climate change is plunging an already poor continent into further poverty

The climate crisis is rapidly seeping into the pores of Africa's very existence as drought, rising rivers, and raging wildfires destroy livelihoods, and food becomes scarcer and less nutritious.   According to the World Health Organization, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 extra deaths (from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea,

Uganda - climateaction
Saving the Planet Sustainability

Climate resilience: Farmers and agribusinesses in Uganda to receive over $5m in funding

Climate change is affecting the food system in Uganda. This calls for climate-smart agricultural practices to help families and agribusinesses adapt to better crops, growing techniques, and soil improvement practices in response to climate change. Climate justice also needs to be prioritized to support the most climate-vulnerable communities and countries

real estate - climateaction
Saving the Planet Smart Cities Sustainability

A look at green real estate in Africa’s sustainability agenda

Businesses in Africa are waking up to the need to urgently cut carbon emissions across commercial real estate and these increasingly changing attitudes are reflected in the financial value of the buildings around us. Attention is now turning to the preservation of the value of buildings to avoid the risks

Erongo - climateaction
Saving the Planet

Surviving drought: Namibia’s Erongo Desalination Plant to convert seawater to freshwater

Namibia, with a population of over 2.58 million, is grappling with a national water crisis due to severe droughts. In the 2018/19 rainy season, the country only received about 50% or less of average seasonal rainfall (one of the driest since 1981) thereby posing serious constraints to its economic, environmental,

climate change - climateaction
News Saving the Planet

Green transition and climate change resilience top the list as UN High Level Champion for COP26 visits Nigeria

The United Nations High Level Champion for COP26, Nigel Topping, was in Nigeria on June 14, 2022, on a 3-day visit to engage with stakeholders in Abuja and Lagos on the implementation of national climate change plans (including the Nationally Determined Contributions, Energy transition Plan and Climate Change Act) and

lesein mutunkei - climateaction
Advocacy Featured Saving the Planet

Lesein Mutunkei tackles deforestation with football

Lesein Mutunkei is not your average teenager, he's a 'green footballer". The 17-year-old environmental activist from Kenya is one of Africa's leading climate activists with a unique path - combining two of the things that he loves the most which are football and the environment.   How it all began

EkoClimathon - climateaction

Innovator? Apply for EkoClimathon 1.0 ($7,500)

Are you an innovator? Can you innovate to fight climate change? If yes, then apply for EkoClimathon 1.0.   EkoClimathon 1.0 seeks to engage Nigerian Innovators to build solutions that will help the world meet its climate goals.   Accelerated climate change and the destruction of our ecosystems have directly

climate change - climateaction
Saving the Planet

Famine: Climate change is dealing Africa a heavy blow

The Horn of Africa is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years, no thanks to climate change. Climate change is resulting in higher temperatures, water scarcity, droughts, floods, and other extreme weather-related events across Africa. This is fueling the hunger crisis as decreasing harvests, and increasing food prices threaten the