Step-by-step ways of making your own recycled paper project

recycled paper

Step-by-step ways of making your own recycled paper project

The act of producing recycled papers might be in the purview of recycling companies because they are experts. Yet, there are easy do-it-yourself ways you can recycle paper in the comfort of your home.

Is your house filled with a seemingly endless supply of old newspapers, magazines, or comic books you’ve outgrown? If yes, rest easy as this article will give you an overview of how to creatively recycle your paper waste into something nice and handmade.

Note that recycling paper is only one of the many ways to reduce our ecological footprint and lower the amount of waste we generate. To begin your project, below are the materials you need to have on hand.

  • Papers, not the glossy ones
  •  Water
  • Blender or something that can serve as one
  •  Old clothes or sponge
  • An old picture frame or a wood to create your own frame
  •  A bowl to carry water
  •  Dried flowers, confetti, or seeds for decorations, this is optional
  • Mesh or screen

Now that you have got your materials, follow the step-by-step instruction to create your own recycled paper project

Step one
  • Cut the paper into smaller pieces and blend with the water. Blend until it is smooth after which you can add colored papers to make it bright.
Step two
  •  Put the mold together, attach the frame with taps or staplers
Step three
  •  Put the mold in the bowl of water; pour the pulp in the mold and mix together. You may add decorations, a splash of paint, dried flowers, grass, or seeds if you wish.
Step four
  • Pull the mold out of the water and then place the second screen on the top of the pulp. Use the cloth or the sponge to sock out excess water
Step five
  • Once you’ve completed step four, lift the screen. At this point, the paper should come right up with it.  Now arrange the screen on an old towel, dab again with the cloth or sponge for excess water.

Finally, lift the screen out of the paper and set the paper on the towel to dry. You may either air dry it or cover it up with a paper towel and press with iron for quick dry. And that’s how you make your own recycled paper!

Recycled papers require little water and less energy or none at all. Their most obvious advantage is waste reduction, thereby saving more space in landfills. It also helps to know that process of making recycled papers is cost free.

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